Raise Crops for
Set your sights on something new
There comes a point when you have to look at the farm objectively without the rosy lens of sentimentality or family nostalgia. We’ve been there and understand how challenging it can be. When the work gloves are off and the reality sinks in, it might feel easiest to do a few things differently (trying a new fertilizer or variety) and hope for the best.
But if you want big change,
you’ve got to see things differently.
What would it look like if your processing operation opened up a new channel for a byproduct? What if your farm wasn’t only raising commodities with the odd rye planting for cover crop seed? Would you sleep better with a better profit margin?
In our experience there are 4 basic phases
you might be in right now:
You’ve got something of an idea but it’s not much and you’re wondering if it’s even worth talking about
The idea has merit and now you’re wondering how to make it happen and what it might look like
This stage is good old fashioned implementation - the part where it gets done!
That idea is now tangible flowing cash but it could be better and more aligned with your values.
We started working with farmers, processors and food manufacturers because we are all of those. We speak the different languages, understand the concerns and have worked with all kinds of buyers.

Schedule a call and Claire will walk you through some of the things we might do with your idea. We can help with each of these stages individually or come alongside your team throughout the process.
Don’t have an idea? Get curious! Where is the product you load out going and what are they doing to it? Do you have to get ingredients from where you do? Is there an asset that isn’t getting used? What breaks your heart about the food system right now?
Got other questions? Fill out the contact form and we'll get back to you!