Q & A Teffola Brand Ambassador: Nicole Fresorger

The next Teffola Brand Ambassador is Nicole Fresorger who owns and operates 989 Cafe up in Saginaw. Shockingly, we've never met in person but she's a huge Teffola supporter and we absolutely adore her and Rob's store (charcuterie boards are divine!).

Nicole spent the better part of the past 12 months battling coronavirus on the frontlines as a nurse. Her stories of administering vaccines are inspiring and uplifting. We are so proud that she is an ambassador and are rooting for her success at 989 Cafe! Interested in becoming a Brand Ambassador and joining an awesome community?! Apply here!

  1. What was the last bold or brave decision you’ve had to make? Well. Signing a lease to open a second location in the middle of a global pandemic is pretty brave. Did I mention we signed the first lease for the first location a week before the pandemic started?! Before that decision? Deciding to make a social media post advertising charcuterie boards for Thanksgiving. I’ve been talking about it since August, I ordered the product at the beginning of October and just could not get myself to pull the trigger. I continued to get too caught up in the details. Imposter syndrome totally crept in. I knew that if I didn’t pull the trigger, I was going to miss the boat for Thanksgiving orders. So I poured a drink, I turned on some Jack and I sat at my kitchen bar and allowed myself to get in my zone of genius and whipped up some copy to post on our social media accounts. I had zero pictures of charcuterie to include except the one I made on my counter last Christmas. I had absolutely no idea what sizes they would be or how much I would charge or how much of what would be on them. I just leapt and trusted that the net would appear. And that I would totally figure it out because I had no choice not to. Within 10 minutes we had an order for the largest board we offered for two days later. The day before Thanksgiving, I filled $1300 in charcuterie orders. And my soul was FULL. I allowed myself to be vulnerable. I took a risk. I was okay with the process being messy and I had faith that it would all work out in the end. Now here I am on December 4th, I started marketing charcuterie boards for the holidays 4 days ago and my calendar is filling up so quickly. 
  2. What advice would you give your 21 year old self? Hahaha. Yeah...you don’t have it all figured out. You don’t have to fit this mold of what society has created. You don’t have to know what you want to do with the rest of your life. Discover who you are and what lights your soul on fire and then find work that allows you to do that. Every single day. 
  3. Why do you have the best job in the world? I LOVE getting to work in our store and I cannot wait until we get to a point where I can quit my day job and be there every single day. I have the best job in the world because I get to be light to everyone that crosses my path. I love paying attention to the details of our customers and finding some way to connect with them on a deeper level, even if our interaction lasts less than 5 minutes. I love seeing their reaction when they come back and I remember them. I love watching their reaction when I unveil their charcuterie board to them when they come to pick it up. I love hearing any story they are willing to share with me. I’m honored they want to give me a sneak peek into their life! I have the best job in the world because when I’m there it doesn’t feel like work. When I’m there, my soul is content. 
  4. What do you want to be asked about your work but usually aren’t? And what’s your answer? I think at this point, people still don’t think I’m serious about wanting to quit my 6 figure job, quit my career as a nurse, quit all the things I’ve worked so hard to achieve and others would kill for, to own a cafe. I don’t think that people can see the similarities between what I do now and what I want to do. In my 12 years as a nurse, in all the positions I’ve held, in all the patients I’ve cared for and the employees I’ve managed. There’s one thing that has remained the same. There’s one thing that causes the “magic” to happen. Radical empathy. Radical empathy is the practice of actively striving to understand the feelings and experiences of others, even when we strongly disagree, in order to connect more deeply with them. By doing so, we improve their lives and ours. Humans need to feel seen and heard. Now more than ever. I’m tired of trying to convince others to want to be better. It seriously drains my energy. But when I’m in my store and someone walks in because they WANT to be there. I can create an environment where they feel seen, heard and loved. Just as they are. And the vehicle that gets them to come in the door? Just happens to be some seriously amazing food created by my hubby, myself and lots of other amazing Michigan small businesses.

Lightning Round!

What is your favorite way to have Teffola? I mean….is there a wrong way to eat Teffola? Secret handfuls in the pantry ranks up there...but definitely on my yogurt with some fresh berries EVERY. MORNING. The struggle is picking which flavor to have.

Favorite Instagram account to follow? Love me some Cathy Heller, podcaster of Don’t Keep Your Day Job.

Who’s your dream mentor? Oh my gosh. I can’t pick one. Honestly, anyone who is successful at being authentically themselves. Literally only one you forever and always. Live your purpose.

Plant mom or dog mom? Plant mom to outdoor plants only because I rock at those and totally kill every single houseplant I’ve ever owned. Allergic to dogs but have two kitties who I just adore 95% of the time.

#1 played artist on Spotify? Jack Johnson